‘Saksham Bharti’, with the passionately dedicated support from all those who are committed to make our society more self reliant and economically progressive, is carrying out its 7th annual job fair called ‘Swami Vivekanand Aajeevika Mahotsav’ on Sunday, 23 Dec-18 from 9am to 1pm at following location:
Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Gate No 6, Lawn 11,
11, Mansingh Road, New Delhi -110011
The skillful and trained candidates for junior to entry level job positions are available for employment in the fields of ‘Sales & Marketing’, ‘Business Development’, ‘Administration’, ‘Finance & Accounts’, ‘Human Resources’, ‘Full range of Computers and Information Technology’, ’complete Customer Support & Services’, ‘Teaching, Training & Coaching’, ‘Health & Hospitality segments’, ‘Candidates exclusive for Retail and Food Chains’, ‘Beauty Culture Services’, ‘Fashion Designing, Stitching & Tailoring’, ‘Front Desk & House Keeping’ etc.