Saksham Bharti organized a Dental Check Up Camp & Dental Health Awareness program in association with Indian Dental Association, West Delhi Branch.The World Oral Health Day, at its Vikas Nagar Centre. Dr. (Capt.) Ashok Chhabra.The President of the IDA, West Delhi lead the team of 6 Dental Specialists to conduct the Dental Health Check Up. 165 patients of Vikas Nagar in the area adjacent to Saksham B…harti got themselves checked. Dr M.S. Virdi, Hony Secretary, IDA, explained to the audience how to maintain oral health. They also distributed free toothpastes and medicines to 70 patients. Following volunteers of Saksham Bharti made necessary arrangements for the program:
1 PK Mehrotra
2 Ram Milan Yadav
3 Shravan Kumar
4. Satish Thakur
5. S.N. Jha
6. Gurpreet Kaur
7. Reema
8. Rita
Dental Check Up & Dental Health Awareness Program